How to manually transfer a website from one server to other server.
We are going to learn these conditions.
Change website from a main domain to main domain.
Change a website from sub domain to main domain.
Steps to follow.
1- Data Base Backup.
First step is to take backup of database my using phpmyadmin
Go to your hosting Cpannel.
Then click on phpmyadmin.
Afterthat choose data base and click on export from the upper tab. And chose quick option and press on go button. and data base will be downloaded in zip format.
Database backup done.
2- Website Files Backup.
Second step is to take backup of your website data.
For this go to your hosting Cpannel.
Then click on File manager.
Then go to the main root folder of website.
Select all file (with shift option you can select all file in a single click) then click on export.
Named a new destination folder to backup.
Download the backup file from there.
Website backup done.
Now our process af file backups completed. Next step is to creat a new website with these databases.
2- Upload database on new domain.
Go to cpannel of new server
To databases
Create a data base and user
Link data base and user.
Then go to phpmyadmin
Select data base
Go to import option
Select your backup file of database.
Data base import has done.
3- Upload website files.
Go to file manager
Under public
Public_html folder import backup file
Unzip files.
Then delete the zip file.
4- After that go to cong.php file. Right click and select edit file. And change database, user, and paswords that your creat while creating new database.
5- Fifth step is to assign a user.
Go to phpmyadmin
Search for user
Edit user if blank create a new one.
Username, email id, password and assign 1 then save it.
6- Last step is to change url link in data base
Go to my php my admin
Click on wp-options (option)
Change url link in first and second column with the new url
All done.